The Partsworker No. 2

In this edition: 🆕 is now online | 🎟️ Next global Parts Work Unconference this Oct. 12 | 🔮 Reimagining partswork beyond IFSI

The Partsworker No. 2

A global directory of IFS practitioners is now online

There’s been an amazing development since our last newsletter: thanks to the hard work of IFS practitioner Niney Marie, “the Only World-Wide Directory for IFS Certified, Trained & Informed Therapists, Practitioners & Coaches” is now online at, and hundreds of listings are already active. Here’s how it looks:

Screenshot of the homepage at

The directory is still in its very early “beta” days, but it already seems quite functional and very robust. Most importantly, Parts Work Directory broadens access to partswork worldwide by inviting membership from practitioners trained in several reputable IFS training programs, not just the Institute’s costly and exclusive Level 1.

At this point Parts Work Directory is emphatically owned by Niney alone, and it limits the scope of partsworkers to those trained in the IFS model — so it isn’t quite the collectively operated, radically inclusive directory that some of us have been dreaming of. But it is clearly a marvelous new resource for our global community, and I put up my own listing as soon as I could. (While the process of creating a listing is still a bit challenging, I can confirm that mine looks very good, and shows up as expected when searched for.)

While Niney intends to charge a fee for membership in the directory in the future, she is offering “FREE Lifetime Ads” — that is, directory listings — for all who join during this beta period. You can start your own application to join Parts Work Directory as a “Beta Member” right here.

Next virtual Parts Work Unconference happens Saturday, Oct. 12

Our generous colleagues Alex and Pau from the IFS Collective are throwing another virtual party for partswork enthusiasts worldwide, and you are invited. This will be the eighth Unconference that Pau and Alex have organized for our global community â€” eloquent testimony to its value for everyone who attends. Though donations are appreciated, tickets to the Unconference are completely free. My system and I are hoping you will join us there!

Screenshot of the page at

The last gathering, this past June June, was the first one I attended (thanks to my Twin Cities partswork colleague Angie Star). Although the Unconference format was entirely unfamiliar to me at first, I figured out how it works in just a few minutes, and you can too. The community I found there vastly expanded my hopes for the future of IFS, spontaneously generated new projects and ideas, and inspired this very newsletter.

How to come to the Unconference

Project: Reimagining partswork beyond IFSI

Now that a global directory of partsworkers is up and running, the team of two dozen volunteers we assembled for that purpose has a new project in mind: Reimagining partswork training, standards, and practice from the ground up, unburdened by the constraints of the IFS Institute™ and its leaders.

On a Zoom call scheduled for this coming Monday, Sept. 9, at 3PM UTC, partswork practitioners and enthusiasts from around the world will gather to start imagining a liberating future for the practice of partswork together. In a curious and improvisational spirit, we plan to talk over ideas like:

  • Creating an open-source standard for partswork training programs;
  • Drafting a set of voluntary ethical guidelines for practitioners;
  • Building our own partswork training program according to our shared values;
  • and who knows what else.

The full group of us, about two dozen so far, will ponder next steps over email afterwards. I’ll report on what comes of our conversation in the next newsletter.

That’s all for this second edition of The Partsworker, friends. Write back if you’re so inclined, and please forward this email anyone who might be interested. We’re just getting started.